Natural Languages Processing – Spring 2024

Course No: 0907753
Course Name: Natural Languages Processing

Prerequisite: Applied Machine Learning (0907726)

Microsoft TeamLink

Course Syllabus (pdf)

  • Course Introduction (pdf)
  • Introduction to NLP (pdf)
  • Word Tokenization (pdf)
  • Math with Words (pdf)
  • Semantic Analysis (pdf)
  • Reasoning with Word Vectors (pdf), Notebook for Arabic Word Vectors (Colab)
  • Processing Sequences Using RNNs and CNNs (pdf)
  • Natural Language Processing with RNNs and Attention (pdf)
  • Arabic NLP Libraries (pdf)


  • Text Preprocessing and Word Embeddings (pdf)
  • Hugging Face’s Transformers Library (pdf)


  • Midterm Exam (pdf)

Grades: Are posted on MS Teams

Last update on 3/6/2024