Has published 16 journal papers, 21 conference papers, a book, a book chapter, and several technical reports and newspaper articles. Areas span machine learning, Arabic optical character recognition, automatic Arabic text diacritization, electronic voting, shared memory systems, parallel applications and systems characterization, computer architecture, and computer networks. Google Scholar reports over 690 citations for these publications with h-index of 16.
- G. Abandah, “Research Statement,” The University of Jordan, June 2015. pdf
Journal Articles
- Saadeh and G. Abandah, “Parallel Implementations of S-Vote Electronic Voting Verification and Tallying Processes”, Int’l Journal of Computers And Communications, Vol. 11, 2017, pp. 106-115.
- Mohammed and G. Abandah, “Characterization of Shared-Memory Multi-Core Applications”, Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 1, No.2, Apr 2016, pp. 37-54.
- Al-Haj, G. Abandah, and N. Hussein, “Crypto-based Algorithms for Secured Medical Image Transmission,” IET Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 6, Nov 2015, pp. 365-373, DOI: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2014.0245.
- G. Abandah, A. Graves, B. Al-Shagoor, A. Arabiyat, F. Jamour, and M. Al-Taee, “Automatic diacritization of Arabic text using recurrent neural networks,” Int’l Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), Springer, Vol. 18, No. 2, Jun 2015, pp. 183-197, DOI: 10.1007/s10032-015-0242-2. pdf.
- T. Wahdan, G. Abandah, A. Seyam, A. Awwad, I. Shdaifat, “Tire type recognition through treads pattern recognition and DOT Code OCR,” Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal (UBICC), Vol. 9, No. 1, Feb 2015, pp. 1481-1487.
- Suyyagh and G. Abandah, “FPGA parallel recognition engine for handwritten Arabic words,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer, Vol. 78, No. 2, Feb 2015, pp. 163-170.
- G. Abandah, F. Jamour, and E. Qaralleh, “Recognizing handwritten Arabic words using grapheme segmentation and recurrent neural networks,” Int’l Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), Springer, Vol. 17, No. 3, Sep 2014, pp. 275-291. pdf.
- G. Abandah, K. Darabkh, T. Ammari, and O. Qunsul, “Secure national electronic voting system,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, The Institute of Information Science, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 1339-1364, Sep 2014.
- G. Abandah and F. Jamour, “A word matching algorithm in handwritten Arabic recognition using multiple-sequence weighted edit distances,” International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), SoftwareFirst, Vol. 11, No. 3, May 2014, pp. 18-26.
- Qaralleh, G. Abandah, and F. Jamour, “Tuning recurrent neural networks for recognizing handwritten Arabic words,” Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Scientific Research Publishing, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oct 2013, pp. 533-542.
- Darabkh, I. Iyad Jafar, G. Sukkar, G. Abandah, and R. Al-Zubi, “An improved queuing model for packet retransmission policy and variable latency decoders,” IET Communications., Vol. 6, No. 18, IET, Dec 2012, pp. 3315-3328.
- G. Abandah and T. Malas, “Feature Selection for Recognizing Handwritten Arabic Letters,” Dirasat Engineering Sciences Journal, The University of Jordan, Vol. 37, No. 2, Oct 2010, pp. 242-256, pdf.
- G. Abandah and M. Khedher, “Analysis of Handwritten Arabic Letters Using Selected Feature Extraction Techniques,” Int’l J. of Computer Processing of Languages (IJCPOL), Vol. 22, No. 1, World Scientific, Mar 2009, pp. 49-73, pdf.
- G. Abandah and N. Anssari, “Novel Moment Features Extraction for Recognizing Handwritten Arabic Letters,” J. of Computer Science, Vol. 5, No. 3, Science Publications, Mar 2009, pp. 226-232.
- G. Abandah and F. Khundakjie, “Issues Concerning Code System for Arabic Letters,” Dirasat Engineering Sciences Journal, Vol. 31, No. 1, The University of Jordan, Apr 2004, pp 165-177.
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “Characterizing Distributed Shared Memory Performance: A Case Study of the Convex SPP1000,” IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 9, No. 2, IEEE, Feb 1998, pp 206-216.
Conference Papers
- A. Abandah and A. S. Al-Hourani, “Challenges and Preprocessing Recommendations for MADCAT Dataset of Handwritten Arabic Documents,” 2018 11th Int’l Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI 2018), Oct 11-13, 2018, Beijing, China. (pdf)
- Saadeh, G. Abandah, “Investigating Parallel Implementations of Electronic Voting Verification and Tallying Processes,” European Conf. on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS 2017), Nov 17-19, 2017, Bern, Switzerland.
- Alqudah, G. Abandah, A. Arabiyat, “Investigating Hybrid Approaches for Arabic Text Diacritization with Recurrent Neural Networks,” in Proc. 2017 IEEE Jordan Conf. on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT 2017), Oct 11-13, 2017, Amman, Jordan, pp. 1-6.
- Al-Haj, N. Hussein, and G. Abandah, “Combining Cryptography and Digital Watermarking for Secured Transmission of Medical Images,” in Proc. 2016 2nd Int’l Conf. on Information Management (ICIM2016), May 7-9, 2016, London, England, pp. 40-46.
- Khedher, G. Abandah, W. Anati, S. Ababneh, A. Zghoul, M. Hattab, “Effect of Topic on the Arabic Language Used on Social Networks and Mobile Phone Communications,” in Proc. 2015 IEEE Jordan Conf. on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT 2015), Nov 3-5, 2015, The Dead Sea, Jordan.
- Mohammed, G. Abandah, “Communication Characteristics of Parallel Shared-Memory Multicore Applications,” in Proc. 2015 IEEE Jordan Conf. on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT 2015), Nov 3-5, 2015, The Dead Sea, Jordan.
- G. Abandah, M. Khedher, W. Anati, A. Zghoul, S. Ababneh, M. Hattab, “The Arabic Language Status in the Jordanian Social Networking and Mobile Phone Communications,” in 7th Int’l Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2015), May 12-15, 2015, Amman, Jordan. (pdf)
- Wahdan, G. Abandah, A. Seyam, A. Awwad, and I. Shdaifat, “Tire Type Recognition through Treads Pattern Recognition and DOT Code OCR,” in Second Jordanian Student Conference on Communication, Technology, and Management (JITB2014), May 18, 2014, Amman, Jordan.
- Almasri, G. Abandah, A. Shhadeh, and A. Shahrour, “Universal ISA simulator with soft processor FPGA implementation,” in Proc. 2011 IEEE Jordan Conf. on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT 2011), Dec 6-8, 2011, Amman, Jordan, pp. 221-226, pdf.
- Olama, M. Aulama, A. Natsheh, and G. Abandah, “Arabic handwritten optical character recognition using hidden Markov models,” in Proc. 2011 SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Multi-conference, Optical Pattern Recognition XXII, Vol. 8055, Apr 28-29, 2011, Orlando, Florida.
- G. Abandah and F. Jamour, “Recognizing Handwritten Arabic Script through Efficient Skeleton-Based Grapheme Segmentation Algorithm,” in 10th Int’l Conf. on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA’10), Nov 29-Dec 1, 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 977-982, pdf.
- Shaout, G. Abandah, M. Johnson, and S-Y. Chang, “Routing Algorithms for Network-on-Chip in Tile-Based Multiprocessor Templates,” in Proc. Mosharaka Int’l Conf. on Communications, Propagation and Electronics (MIC-CPE 2009), Feb 6-8, 2009, pp. 132-136, Amman, Jordan.
- Malas, S. Taifour, and G. Abandah, “Toward optimal Arabic keyboard layout using genetic algorithm,” in Proc. 9th Int’l Middle Eastern Simulation Multiconference (MESM 2008), Aug 26-28, 2008, pp. 50-54, Amman, Jordan.
- Younis, B. Aldawood, G. Abandah, S. Alsisan, and J. Igual, “Automatic wireless monitoring of bird behavior,” in Proc. 10th IASTED Int’l Conf. on Signal and Image Processing (SIP 2008), Aug 18-20, 2008, pp. 511-516, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA.
- G. Abandah, K. Younis, and M. Khedher, “Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition Using Multiple Classifiers Based on Letter Form,” in Proc. 5th IASTED Int’l Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA 2008), Feb 13-15, 2008, pp 128-133, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Khedher, G. Abandah, and A. Al-Khawaldeh, “Optimizing Feature Selection for Recognizing Handwritten Arabic Characters,” in Proc. 2nd World Enformatika Congress (WEC’05), Feb 25-27, 2005, pp 81-84, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Khedher and G. Abandah, “Arabic Character Recognition using Approximate Stroke Sequence,” Third Int’l Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), Arabic Language Resources and Evaluation – Status and Prospects Workshop, Jun 1, 2002, Las Palmas, Spain.
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “Origin 2000 Design Enhancements for Communication Intensive Applications,” in Proc. 1998 Int’l Conf. on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques (PACT’98), Oct 12-18, 1998, pp 30-39, Paris, France.
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “Effects of Architectural and Technological Advances on the HP/Convex Exemplar’s Memory and Communication Performance,” in Proc. 25th Ann. Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture (ISCA’98), Jun 27-Jul 1, 1998, pp 318-329, Barcelona, Spain.
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “A Comparative Study of Cache-Coherent Nonuniform Memory Access Systems,” in 12th Ann. Int’l Symp. High Performance Computing Systems and Applications (HPCS’98), May 20-22, pp 27, 1998, Edmonton, Canada.
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “Configuration Independent Analysis for Characterizing Shared-Memory Applications,” in Proc. 12th Int’l Parallel Processing Symposium & 9th Symp. On Parallel and Distributed Processing (1998 IPPS/SPDP), Mar 30-Apr 3, 1998, pp 485-491, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “Modeling the Communication Performance of the IBM SP2,” in Proc. 10th Int’l Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS’96), Apr 15-19, 1996, pp 249-257, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Khedher, W. Anati, G. Abandah, A. Alzgoul, S. Ababneh, and M. Hattab, “Arabic Language in the Social Networking Forums and Mobile Phone Communications”, the Jordan Academy of Arabic, Amman, Jordan, 2015. (pdf)
Book Chapters
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “A Comparative Study of Cache-Coherent Nonuniform Memory Access Systems,” High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, Ed. J. Schaeffer, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 267-282, 1998.
Technical Reports
- G. Abandah, K. Darabkh, T. Ammari, and O. Qunsul, “Secure national electronic voting system: Pilot implementation,” The University of Jordan, Oct 2013, pdf.
- Suyyagh and G. Abandah, “FPGA Parallel Recognition Engine for Handwritten Arabic Words,” The University of Jordan, August 2013, pdf.
- G. Abandah and M. Khedher, “Printed and Handwritten Arabic Optical Character Recognition – Initial Study,” A report on research supported by The Higher Council of Science and Technology, Amman, Jordan, Aug 2004.
- G. Abandah, “Reducing Communication Cost in Scalable Shared Memory Systems,” PhD Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1998.
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “Configuration Independent Analysis for Characterizing Shared-Memory Applications,” Tech. Rep. CSE-TR-357-98, University of Michigan, Jan 1998.
- G. Abandah, “Characterizing Shared-Memory Applications: A Case Study of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks,” Tech. Rep. HPL-97-24, HP Labs, Jan 1997.
- G. Abandah, “Tools for Characterizing Distributed Shared Memory Applications,” Tech. Rep. HPL-96-157, HP Labs, Dec 1996.
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “Characterizing Shared Memory and Communication Performance: A Case Study of the Convex SPP-1000,” Tech. Rep. CSE-TR-277-96, University of Michigan, Jan 1996.
- G. Abandah and E. Davidson, “Modeling the Communication and Computation Performance of the IBM SP2,” Tech. Rep. CSE-TR-258-95, University of Michigan, May 1995.
- Boyd, G. Abandah, H. Lee, and E. Davidson, “Modeling Computation and Communication Performance of Parallel Scientific Applications: A Case Study of the IBM SP2,” Tech. Rep. CSE-TR-236-95, University of Michigan, May 1995.
- Arabic Language in the Social Networking Forums and Mobile Phone Communications, the Jordan Academy of Arabic, 2013-2014.
- Building a System for Recognizing Arabic Handwritten Scripts, Supported by Deanship of Academic Research, the University of Jordan, Sep 2008-Aug 2010.
- Selecting and Evaluating Features for Recognizing Handwritten Arabic Characters, Supported by Deanship of Academic Research, the University of Jordan, May 2008-Aug 2008.
- Printed and handwritten Arabic optical character recognition – initial study, Supported by Higher Council of Science and Technology, Jul 2000-Apr 2003.
Master Thesis Committees
- Ahmad Al-Hourani, G. Abandah (Supervisor), Preprocessing and Segmentation of Handwritten Arabic Documents for Writer-Independent Automatic Recognition, Master Thesis, the University of Jordan, May 2017. pdf file
- Aiesha F. Al-maslam, G. Abandah (Supervisor), Evaluation of Popular Multicore Design Alternatives using Configuration Dependent Analysis, Master Thesis, the University of Jordan, May 2017, pdf file.
- Saba Al-Quda, G. Abandah (Supervisor), Hybrid Approach for Automatic Arabic Text Diacritization using Recurrent Neural Networks, Master Thesis, the University of Jordan, Dec 2016, pdf file.
- Alia Al-Hosban, G. Abandah (Supervisor), Collaboration Genealogical Features with Social Networks, Master Thesis, the University of Jordan, Dec 2015, pdf file.
- Eman Mohammad Al-Qteimat, Intelligent and Efficient Web Proxy Caching Algorithms, Supervised by Dr. Iyad Jafar, Aug 2015.
- Amal Qasid Ahmed, Comparative Analysis of Different Encryption Techniques in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Supervised by Dr. Andraws Swidan, Aug 2015.
- Esraa Saadeh, G. Abandah (Supervisor), Investigating Parallel Implementations of Electronic Voting Verification and Tallying Processes, Master Thesis, the University of Jordan, May 2015, pdf file.
- Alaa Arabiyat, G. Abandah (Supervisor), Automatic Diacritization of Arabic Text, Master Thesis, the University of Jordan, May 2015, pdf file.
- Wala Etoom, Copyright Protection for Depth Image Based Rendering (DIBR) 3D Images Using Watermarking Techniques, Supervised by Dr. Ali Al-Haj, May 2015.
- Maisoon Othman, Development of an Interface for Internet of Things with Cloud Services, Supervised by Dr. Ali El-Mousa, May 2015.
- Mohammed Sultan, G. Abandah (Supervisor), Configuration Independent Characterization of Multi-Core Applications, Master Thesis, the University of Jordan, Apr 2015, pdf file.
- Noor Al-Maaitah, Energy-aware and Layering-based Clustering and Routing Algorithm for Gathering Data in Wireless Sensor Networks, Supervised by Dr. Khalid Drarbkh, Dec 2014.
- Noor Haj-Abdullah, G. Abandah (Supervisor), Ali Al-Haj (Co-Supervisor), Exploring Encryption and Watermarking Techniques for Secure Telmedicine, Master Thesis, the University of Jordan, Aug 2013, pdf file.
- Amani Goniemat, Analysis and Critical Evaluation of Residue Number System Converters, Supervised by Dr. Andraws Swidan, Aug 2013.
- Ashraf Suyyagh, G. Abandah (Supervisor), Investigating Synthesis of Handwritten Arabic Word Recognition Engines on FPGAs, Master Thesis, the University of Jordan, Aug 2011, pdf file.
- Asma Abdel-Karim, Auto-Tuning Data Structures for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Graphics Processing Units, Supervised by Dr. Walid Abu-Sufah, May 2012.
- Shereen Ismael, Efficient Techniques for Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks, Supervised by Dr. Khalid Darabkh, Dec 2011.
- Tareq Alawneh, A Dynamic L2 Cache Partitioning Algorithm in CMP, Supervised by Dr. Mazen Kharbutli, Aug 2009.
- Ayser Armiti, Improving Trace Cache Performance Using Indexability, Supervised by Dr. Sami Serhan, Aug 2008.
- Rami Al-sheikh, Improving the Performance of L2 Caches through Combining both Locality and Cost-Sensitivity Principles in Cache Replacement Policies, Supervised by Dr. Mazen Kharbutli, Aug 2008.
- Khalil Ahmad Yousef, Intelligent Traffic Light Scheduling Using Flow Control with Wireless Sensors for Flow Detection, Supervised by Dr. Ali Shatnawi, Nov 2007.
- Ramzi Saifan, A Novel Algorithm for Defending Denial of Service Attacks in Sensor Networks, Supervised by Dr. Omar Al-Jarrah, 2006.
- Yousef Elarian, A Lexicon of Connected Components for Arabic Optical Character Recognition, Supervised by Dr. Fayez Idris, Aug 2006.
- Ashraf Armoush, Handling of Branch Predictions in Pipeline Computer Systems, Supervised by Dr. Sami Sarhan, Jul 2003.