Large Language Models: Architectures and Applications

On Monday, December 16, 2024, I presented a virtual talk titled “Large Language Models: Architectures and Applications” for participants of the Data Analysis for AI Applications Lecture Series, hosted by the AI-lab Professorship of Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Computer Science, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. The talk was organized by Dr. Shadi Saleh. […]

كتب للدكتور علي عبندة للمهتمين

نوفر كتابين للمرحوم الدكتور علي عبندة بصورة إلكترونية مفتوحة للمهتمين بعلوم الفلك والأنواء والتراث وذلك بصيغة pdf السماء في الليل للدكتور علي عبندة والدكتور عبد القادر عابد، 1985 الفلك والأنواء في التراث للدكتور علي عبندة، 1998 اللهم اغفر له وارحمه، وأسكنه فسيح جناتك، واجعل علمه الذي قدمه صدقة جارية له

Monster Artificial Intelligence Models: Architecture, Trends, and Applications.

On Tuesday 23/5/2023, I participated in the 2023 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (, which is the prime conference in its domain in Jordan organized by IEEE – Jordan Section and Jordan Engineers Association. I gave a keynote speech titled “Monster Artificial Intelligence Models: Architecture, Trends, and Applications.” This […]

Developing Applications to Correct Jordanian Spoken Arabic to Proper Language Using Machine Learning Techniques

This is a project that I lead and is supported by about JOD31,000 by the Jordanian Scientific Research and Innovation Support Fund. Project Summary Many Arabic speakers have difficulties expressing in formal Arabic. The reasons for these difficulties are numerous, the most important of which is that the vernacular languages in the Arab countries are […]